Regular Offerings
Language Sciences offers courses with the subject heading Linguistics. The following courses are offered on a regular basis (generally at least once per year). See the Upcoming Course Schedule for current and future schedules by semester.
- Ling 101/301: Human Language/Introduction to Linguistics
- Ling 211: Global Language Issues
- Ling 213: Topics in Sociolinguistics (can be repeated for credit)
Recent topics:
-Language Emergence
-Inventing Languages - Ling 237: Language in Wisconsin
- Ling 303: Historical Linguistics
- Ling 309: Grammatical Variability of Language
- Ling 310: Phonology
- Ling 322: Morphology
- Ling 330: Syntax
- Ling 340: Semantics
- Ling 371: Survey of North American Indian Languages
- Ling 373: Topics in Linguistics (can be repeated for credit)
Topics vary, recent examples include:
-Sign Language Linguistics
-Coding for Linguistics
-Introduction to Statistics & Data Science for Linguists
-Language Documentation & Revitalization - Ling 426/427: Field Methods I and II
- Ling 510: Phonological Theories
- Ling 522: Advanced Morphology
- Ling 530: Syntactic Theories
- Ling 571: Structure of a Language (can be repeated for credit with different languages)
- Ling 690: Capstone in Linguistics
Topic varies with instructor, recent examples:
-Language in Wisconsin
-Topics in Menominee Grammar
-Linguistic Relativity - Ling 800: Research Methods and Materials
- Ling 977: Seminar (can be repeated for credit)
Seminar topics vary each semester. Some recent topics include:
-Algonquian Historical Linguistics
-Universal Grammar with Iconicity
-Lexical Semantics and Derivation in the Algonquian Verb
-Language Endangerment, Documentation, & Revitalization
-Syntax & Linearization
-Laryngeal Realism
-Event-Feature-Precedence Phonology
See the Linguistics Course Guide Entry for course descriptions, prerequisite information, and full course listings.
A large number of linguistics courses are taught in departments across campus as well – see the Linguistics Electives page to learn more. Altogether, our majors have access to dozens of courses which cover a broad range of methods and issues in language science.