The following courses are some recommended options for Linguistics majors to satisfy General Education requirements for their degree.
Please note that unless otherwise stated, these courses do not count towards the Linguistics major itself – these are just some potential degree requirement courses that might be relevant for students with an interest in language science.
Ethnic Studies
Eng 319: Language, Race, & Identity (Ling major elective)
LIS 202: Informational Divides and Differences in a Multicultural Society
Ling 371: Survey of North American Indian Languages (Ling major elective)
Communication B
African 204: Language, Culture, & Mobilization
Folk 100: Introduction to Folklore
LIS 201: The Information Society
Ling 237: Language in Wisconsin (Ling major elective)
Quantitative Reasoning B
Comm Arts 361: Intro to Quantitative Research in Communication
CS 220: Data Science Programming 1
Ed Pol 209: Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Educational Policy
LIS 440: Navigating the Data Revolution
Phil 211: Elementary Logic
Psych 210: Basic Statistics for Psychology
Stat 240: Data Science Modeling 1
Stat 301: Intro to Statistical Methods
These are just a few suggestions – there are many interesting options to choose from!