My LangSci

Lang Sci internal documents, forms, and procedures


Graduate Handbook

How to…?

  • Enroll in courses:
    1. Meet with your faculty advisor to discuss course plan.
    2. Email Becky your approved course plan, copying your advisor. Becky will authorize you to enroll.
  • Change my faculty advisor:
    1. Ask the new advisor if they agree to be your advisor.
    2. Inform your previous advisor of the change.
    3. Email Becky with notification of the change.
  • Declare my PhD Minor:
    1. Meet with your faculty advisor for approval.
    2. If completing an external PhD Minor, meet with the advisor of the external program (not needed for a distributed minor).
    3. Declare the PhD Minor in the Grad Portal in MyUW (see the PhD Minor page for more information).
  • Ask a question about Benefits – email TBD
  • Request an exception to the PhD requirements (substitute a different course for a requirement, request an extension on a deadline, etc.):
    1. Speak with your faculty advisor for approval first.
    2. Email DPC chair Becky with details of your request.
  • Schedule my Prelim or dissertation defense:
    1. Send final draft to all committee members at least 2 weeks before scheduled defense date.
    2. Email Becky with date, time, location, committee members, and title of prelim/dissertation.
    3. Make sure to check the Grad School deadlines to understand when your change of status (conferral of degree or advance to dissertator status) will take effect.
  • Receive my MA degree:
    1. Once you have completed your first prelim and all the MA coursework requirements, add the Linguistics MA to your enrolled plans in your MyUW Grad Portal (see here for instructions).
    2. Email Becky to let her know that you have added the MA, and she will apply for your MA warrant.
    3. Consult the Grad School’s deadlines page for information about timing and when your MA degree will be conferred.
  • Request funding for travel to present at a conference or to support research activity:
    1. Contact Pang Thao before purchasing items. You must use Concur, and may be able to use the department card for some items.
    2. To apply for department funding, Email Rajiv with description of your requested event/activity, a budget, and total amount of support requested.
    3. See the Travel tab for links to forms and important policies.
    4. Also consider applying for funding from the Graduate School (currently open only to dissertators).

Advising documents

How to…?

  • Reserve a room for colloquia, special event, etc. – email Becky
  • Request a key to a room – check if a spare key is available, if not email Pang
  • Order suppliesemail Pang and Rajiv
  • Share news for our social media – Send photo and text to share to our social media intern (TBD)
  • Grant a student permission to enrollemail Becky
  • Hire a student hourly worker or PA/RA – email Christy
  • Update my website profileemail Becky