Professor Rao receives Fulbright Specialist Award

Language Sciences is delighted to announce that Lang Sci Director Professor Rajiv Rao (Spanish & Portuguese) has been awarded a Fulbright Specialist Program award to India! The purpose of this program, according to the Fulbright Specialist website, is to “send U.S. faculty and professionals to serve as expert consultants on curriculum, faculty development, institutional planning, and related subjects at academic institutions abroad for a period of 2 to 6 weeks.” As part of his award, Professor Rao will travel to the Central University of Rajasthan in late 2024 in order to share Lang Sci’s experience with building an interdisciplinary program in language science that reaches across department boundaries.

Professor Rao is honored and excited about the award, and commented “It’s really exciting that universities in other parts of the world are looking at our program as a type of model to follow.” “I’m hoping this will lead to a future of dialogue and collaboration with the host institution.”

Congratulations to Rajiv on this exciting achievement, and for representing and advocating for language sciences education on the UW campus and beyond!