LSO Officers

Officers are LSO members who volunteer to hold positions of responsibility within the student community. Elections are held at the end of each Spring semester to select among the nominees for each position, and their terms last from June 1st to May 31st. All elected members are expected to attend LSO meetings, to perform the services indicated below, and also to create and fulfill new goals for the benefit of the LSO. Their duties are outlined in full in the LSO Constitution.

Email a current officer if you would like to suggest an event or action, or if you would like to volunteer for a vacant position. All LSO members (undergraduate and graduate students in Linguistics) are eligible to hold officer positions. Contact the undergraduate advisor for current officer contact information.

Officer Positions


Announce all LSO meetings and events via email, coordinate the activities of all committees and provide assistance as necessary, attend faculty meetings and report back to the LSO, hold annual elections. Normally one undergraduate and one graduate co-president.


Keep track of financial records, apply for funding as necessary.


Take minutes at all LSO meetings, distribute the minutes to all members via email.

Colloquium Committee Head

Work with the faculty committee to choose speakers, apply for ASM funding for colloquium events, distribute information about linguistics-related colloquia on campus.

Working Papers Committee Head

Put out the call for papers, coordinate selection, editing, and publishing process, archive copies of each volume.

Fund Raising Committee Head

Initiate and organize fund raising events.

Social Relations Committee Head

Plan and organize social events.

Degree Programs Rep

Serve as student representative at faculty meetings of the Degree Programs Committee and Curriculum and Instruction Committee, inform students of possible changes and refinements in program requirements.

Phonetics Lab Rep

Serve as student representative on the faculty Phonetics Lab committee, organize Phonetics Lab open house.