Charles Read

Position title: Professor Emeritus


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Selected Publications

Charles Read. 2018/1986. Children’s Creative Spelling. Routledge.

Charles Read, Yun-Fei Zhang, Hong-Yin Nie, & Bao-Qing Ding. 1986. The ability to manipulate speech sounds depends on alphabetic writing. Cognition. 24:1-2, pp. 31-44.

Charles Read & Lyda Ruyter. 1985. Reading and spelling skills in adults of low literacy. Remedial and Special Education. 6:6, pp. 43-52.

Charles Read. 1978. Children’s awareness of language, with an emphasis on sound systems. In The Child’s Conception of Language. pp. 65-82. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg.

Charles Read. 1975. Children’s Categorization of Speech Sounds in English. National Council of Teachers of English.

Charles Read. 1971. Pre-school children’s knowledge of English phonology. Harvard Educational Review. 41:1, pp. 1-34.