Fernando Tejedo-Herrero
Position title: Professor
Email: lftejedo@wisc.edu
1148 Van Hise Hall

Department of Spanish & Portuguese
Span 320: Spanish Phonetics
Span 321: Structure of Modern Spanish
Span 327: Intro to Spanish Linguistics
Span 429: Intro to the Romance Languages
Span 430: Spanish in the US
Span 630: Topics in Hispanic Linguistics
Tuten, D. N., F. Tejedo-Herrero, R. Rao, and H. R. Clarke. Pronunciaciones Del Español . Routledge, 2022.
Rei-Doval (Co-editor), G., and F. Tejedo-Herrero (Co-editor). Lusophone, Galician, and Hispanic Linguistics: Bridging Frames and Traditions. Routledge, 2019.
Lusophone, Galician, and Hispanic Linguistics: Bridging Frames and Traditions examines the existing historiographic, foundational and methodological issues surrounding Lusophone, Galician, and Hispanic linguistics.
The volume offers a balanced collection of original research from synchronic and diachronic perspectives. It provides a first step to assessing the present and future state of Lusophone, Galician, and Hispanic linguistics and argues for an inclusive approach to the study of these three traditions which would enhance our understanding of each.
Presenting the latest research in the field, this volume is a valuable resource for scholars in Lusophone, Galician, and Hispanic linguistics.
Sessarego (Co-editor), S., and F. Tejedo-Herrero (Co-editor). Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis. John Benjamins, 2016.
This book explores the current state of Spanish sociolinguistics and its contribution to theories of language variation and change, from both synchronic and diachronic perspectives. It offers original analyses on a variety of topics across a wide spectrum of linguistic subfields from different formal, experimental, and corpus-based standpoints. The volume is organized around six thematic sections: (i) Cutting-edge Methodologies in Sociolinguistics; (ii) Bilingualism; (iii) Language Acquisition; (iv) Phonological Variation; (v) Morpho-Syntactic Variation; and (vi) Lexical Variation. As a whole, this collection reflects an array of approaches and analyses that show how in its variation across speakers, speech communities, linguistic contexts, communicative situations, dialects, and time, the Spanish language provides an immense wealth of data to challenge accepted linguistic views and shape new theoretical proposals in the field of language variation and change. Spanish Language and Sociolinguistic Analysis represents a significant contribution to the growing field of Spanish sociolinguistics.