Grant Armstrong

Position title: Associate Professor


1068 Van Hise Hall

Grant Armstrong

Department of Spanish & Portuguese


Ph.D., Georgetown University
B.A., University of California, Berkeley

Research Statement

Grant Armstrong’s research centers on the description and analysis of the grammar of different varieties of Spanish and Mayan languages. His focus is on applying generative theories of morphosyntax to Spanish and Mayan languages in addition to language description and documentation.


Span 320: Spanish Phonetics
Span 321: Structure of Modern Spanish
Span 327: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
Span 446: Topics in Spanish Linguistics
–  Introduction to Spanish Syntax from a Generative Perspective
–  Mayan Languages and Linguistics
–  Advanced Spanish Syntax
Span 630: Topics in Hispanic Linguistics – Morphosyntactic Variation
Span 815: Seminar – What’s the word? Topics in Morphological Description and Theory


Personal webpage


Grant Armstrong’s CV

Selected Publications

Armstrong, G. & J.E. MacDonald (eds.) 2021. Unraveling the Complexity of SE. Dordrecht: Springer.

Fábregas, A., V. Acedo-Matellán, G. Armstrong, M.C. Cuervo & I. Pujol Payet (eds.) 2021. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Morphology. New York: Routledge.

Lexis. In K. Geeslin (ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics, 415-436. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2018

SE-marked directed motion constructions: anticausatives and figure reflexives. In J. MacDonald (ed.) Contemporary trends in Hispanic & Lusophone Linguistics, 11-30. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2017

The syntax of non-verbal predication in Yucatec Maya. Cuadernos de Lingüística de El Colegio de México 4(2): 137-212, 2017

Spanish participios activos are adjectival antipassives. The Linguistic Review 34(1): 1-37, 2017

Una “buena” manera de hablar acerca de grados: bien con adjetivos en español. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 9(2): 401-427 (with Alberto Pastor), 2016

Spanish unspecified objects as null incorporated nouns. Probus 28(2): 165-230, 2016

Pronominal verbs in Spanish. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 9(1): 29-65, 2016