Joe Salmons

Position title: Professor


1150 Van Hise Hall

Joe Salmons

Language Sciences


Ph.D. Germanic Linguistics, University of Texas-Austin, 1984
B.A. Philosophy, University if North Carolina-Charlotte, 1978


Joe Salmons is the Lester W.J. “Smoky” Seifert Professor of Linguistics. He is associate editor of Diachronica: International journal for historical linguistics and directs the Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures. He is the author of A History of German: What the past reveals about today’s language (Oxford, second edition 2018), Sound Change (Edinburgh University Press, 2021), and co-editor, with Patrick Honeybone, of the Oxford Handbook of Historical Phonology (Oxford, 2015). His research focuses on language change and linguistic theory, especially as it bears on sound systems, often drawing data from Germanic languages, including American English and heritage languages. He also works to integrate research in linguistics with teaching and outreach beyond the university.


Ling 237: Language in Wisconsin
Ling 303: Historical Linguistics
Ling 373: Topics in Linguistics
–  Dialect
–  Language Change in Progress
Ling 690: Capstone
–  Development of Wisconsin English
–  Algonquian Phonology
Ling 977: Seminar
–  Laryngeal Realism
–  Sound Change

Selected Publications

2021. Sound Change. Edinburgh University Press.

2018. A History of German: What the past reveals about today’s language. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2009. Ewa Jacewicz, Robert Allen Fox & Joseph Salmons. Articulation rate across dialect, gender and age. Language Variation & Change 21.233-256.

2007 Ewa Jacewicz, Joseph Salmons & Robert Allen Fox. Vowel duration across three American dialects. American Speech 82.367-385.

2003 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Laryngeal Enhancement in Early Germanic. Phonology 20.43-72.

2003 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph Salmons. Legacy Specification in the Laryngeal Phonology of Dutch. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 15.1-26.

2000 Emily L. Goss & Joseph C. Salmons. The Evolution of Bilingual Discourse Marking: Modal particles and English markers in 19th century German-American dialects. International Journal of Bilingualism. 4.469-494.

1999 Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Glottal Spreading Bias in Germanic. Linguistische Berichte 178.135-151.

1995. Gregory K. Iverson & Joseph C. Salmons. Aspiration and Laryngeal Representation in Germanic. Phonology 12.369-96.

1995. Monica Macaulay & Joseph C. Salmons. The Phonology of Glottalization in Mixtec. International Journal of American Linguistics 61.38-61.

1992 Accentual Change and Language Contact: Comparative survey and case study of early northern Europe. Stanford, Ca.: Stanford University Press and London: Routledge.

1990 Bilingual Discourse Marking: Codeswitching, borrowing and convergence in some German-American Dialects. Linguistics 28.453-480.


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