Language Sciences
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990
M.A. Shandong University, 1985
B.A. Shandong University, 1982
Ling 309: Grammatical Variability of Language
Ling 330: Syntax
Ling 373: Topics in Linguistics – Morphosyntax
Ling 427: Field Methods II – Cantonese
Ling 530: Syntactic Theories
Ling 977: Seminar
– Syntax and Linearization
– UG with Iconicity
– On Bare Roots
Selected Publications
Non-canonical arguments via the high applicative. 2022. In Simpson, ed., New Explorations in Chinese Theoretical Syntax. Benjamins, pp. 331-356.
On an integral theory of word-formation in Chinese and beyond. 2022. In Huang, C.-R., Y.-H. Lin and I.-H. Chen (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Chinese Linguistics. Cambridge University Press, pp. 174-197.
Universal Grammar and Iconicity. 2022. Cambridge University Press.
(co-authored with Zhe Chen). Bipartite agentivity expression in Chinese passives. 2021. Syntax 4:123-141.
Liberal thematic arguments and v. To appear. In S. Feng and D. Tsai (eds.), Studies in Chinese Light Verbs. Beijing University Press.
What can biolinguistics learn from biology? 2018 Waiyu Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu 50.3 (co-authored with Zhe Chen).
Chinese Syntax. 2016. In Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language. Routledge.
Argument structure. 2016. In Wolfgang Behr, G. Yueguo, Z. Handel, C.-T. Huang, and R. Sybesma (eds), Encyclopedia of Chinese Language and Linguistics, vol 1. Brill.
Is UG like a chunk of Swiss cheese? Evidence for a “third-factor” principle. 2013. Language and Linguistics 14:737-754.
Adverb classes and the nature of minimality. 2012 Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 30.1 (co-authored with Rebecca Shields and Vivian Lin).
The Syntax of Chinese. 2009. Cambridge University Press (co-author, with James Huang and Audrey Li).
X0: A Theory of the Morphology-Syntax Interface. 2005. MIT Press.
Cross-componential causativity. 1999. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 17.4.
X0-binding and verb incorporation. 1990. Linguistic Inquiry 21.3.
On V-V compounds in Chinese. 1990. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 8.2.
Yafei Li’s complete publication list
Li, Y. Universal Grammar and Iconicity. 2022.
Li, Y., C.-T. J. Huang, and Y.-H. A. Li. The Syntax of Chinese. 2009.
Li, Y. X0: A Theory of the Morphology-Syntax Interface. 2004.