Linguistics Fridays are Back!

Fridays at 4:30 in 201 Van Hise

Linguistics Fridays are back this Fall with a great rotation of speakers and discussion groups. In September the Historical Linguistics Reading Group and the Phonology Reading Group will have their first meetings. Colloquium talks will begin in October, with more reading group meetings added later in non-colloquium weeks.

Faculty and students of any level are welcome to attend, learn, and discuss!

Here is the initial schedule – check the Language Sciences Events page frequently for more info, updates, and additional dates.

Sept 21 – Historical Linguistics Reading Group

Save the Trees: Why We Need Tree Models in Linguistic Reconstruction (and When We Should Apply Them) Guillaume Jacques & Johann-Mattis List, Journal of Historical Linguistics (findable with a search)

Sept 28 – Phonology Reading Group

Why underlying representations? Larry Hyman. 2018. Journal of Linguistics 54. 591-610 (available through the Library)

Oct 19 – Jerome Biedny, Matthew Burner, Andrea Cudworth & Monica Macaulay

Classifier Medials Across Algonquian: A First Look

Nov 2 – Gary Lupyan

How arbitrary is spoken language? New evidence for iconicity

Nov 16 – Andy Wedel & Adam Ussishkin, Arizona

Updating Zipf: Words are optimized for information content, not length

Nov 30 – Paul Heggarty, Max Planck Institute, Jena

Sound Comparisons

Dec 7 – Andrea Cudworth

Menominee Sibilants