We are thrilled that we will be joined by a new faculty member, Laura Horton, this coming Fall. Dr. Horton conducts fascinating research on the emergence of Signed Languages in Guatemala, and we look forward to the enrichment she will bring to our research program and course offerings in the coming years! In Fall of 22 she will teach a new course on Sign Language Linguistics, which is open to anyone who has taken Linguistics 101 or 301.
NEW! Ling 373: Topics – Sign Language Linguistics
Laura Horton
TR 8:00-9:15
Level: Intermediate
Requisite: Ling 101/301
Introduction and overview of the linguistics of sign languages, signing communities, and perceptions of deaf people and sign languages. Topics will include: the grammar of sign languages, their use in signing communities, patterns in the transmission and acquisition of sign languages, and the emergence of new sign languages. No knowledge of American Sign Language is required.