MidPhon 2019

Sarah Holmstrom and Charlotte Van Hecke presenting at MidPhon 24 in 2019

A number of UW faculty and students attended the annual MidPhon conference again this year. MidPhon 24 was held at UW-Milwaukee on October 4-5, 2019. MidPhon is a specialized phonetics/phonology conference that attracts researchers from across the nation and the world who present innovative research in these fields.

Presenters from UW-Madison this year included:

Sarah Bakst & Carline Niziolek – “How many targets does [ə] have? An altered auditory feedback study”

Jonathan Jibson – “An AX experiment exploring perceptual fidelity in vowels”

Joy Kwon – “The phonetics and phonology of perceptual similarity in L2 vowel perception”

Jerome Biedny, Sarah Holmstrom, Monica Macaulay, Joe Salmons, Charlotte Vanhecke, et al. – “Comparative Algonquian metrical phonology”