Photos courtesy of Rachyl Hietpas and Charlotte Vanhecke
Several members of Lang Sci were fortunate enough to travel to beautiful Banff, Canada for the Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference this spring!
Multiple UW-Madison linguists presented research papers at this year’s conference:
- Linguistics PhD student Charlotte Vanhecke – “Variation and Change in Dutch Velar Fricatives”
- Linguistics PhD student Rachyl Hietpas – “A Case of Phonological Maintenance with Phonetic Enhancement: VOT in Wisconsin Heritage and Immigrant Dutch”
- German and Language Sciences Professor Mark Louden – “Koineization in Early Pennsylvania Dutch: Evidence from Ontario”
- German Professor Katerina Somers – “Debunking the Deficit Model of Early German Syntax”
Although they were certainly kept very busy with networking and other conference activities, the conference location allowed participants to take a stroll in the picturesque Banff National Park in the Rocky Mountains!
The rest of us could only gaze at the pictures from afar with envy – including Language Sciences Professor Joe Salmons, who was scheduled to give a joint talk with Joshua Bousquette, et al. (“The Linguistic Diversity of German: Sociolinguistic and Structural Variation in Europe and the Diaspora”) but whose Canadian travel plans were foiled by bad weather!