Working Papers in Linguistics

The LSO has published a volume of working papers most years since 2000. Starting in 2003, the working papers contain the proceedings of the Workshop in General Linguistics (WIGL), held annually at UW-Madison.

LSO Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 3 (cover)

Online Volumes

Free digital copies are available for volumes 4 and above. For some early volumes, a print copy was also archived with the UW-Madison library system.

Volume 12: Proceedings of WiGL 17 (2023)

Volume 11: Proceedings of WIGL 14 (2017)

Volume 10: Proceedings of WIGL 12 (2015)

Volume 9: Proceedings of WIGL 11 (2014)

Volume 8: Proceedings of WIGL 8 (2010)

Volume 7: Proceedings of WIGL 5 (2007)

Volume 6: Proceedings of WIGL 4 (2006)

Volume 5: Proceedings of WIGL 3 (2005)

Volume 4: Proceedings of WIGL 2 (2004)

Paper Volumes

LSO Working Papers in Linguistics Volume 1 (cover)

For volumes 1-3, only the contents are available online. Physical copies are archived with the UW-Madison library system.

Volume 3: Proceedings of WIGL 1 (2003)

Volume 2: (2001)

Volume 1: (2000)