Job posting: online Irish learning support

Online language learning materials in Irish Gaelic Seeking one student hourly worker to assist in creation of an online course in Irish Language Phonics and Pronunciation (Fónaic agus Foghraíocht na Gaeilge). The project is a …

New Undergraduate Scholarship for Linguistics Majors

Language Sciences is pleased to announce a new scholarship for undergraduate Linguistics majors, the Linguistics Opportunity Award! This scholarship will provide several annual $500-$1000 awards, to recognize student excellence in linguistic coursework, research, and outreach …

Lang Sci at MidPhon 28

The 28th Midcontinental Phonetics & Phonology Conference (MidPhon) was held at Purdue University on October 20-21, 2023, and Lang Sci as usual had a strong showing at this annual meeting. *Thank you to Eric Raimy, …

Irish Language Lessons Come to Madison

UW-Madison student and WORT reporter Heewone Lim spoke with Language Sciences’ Rebecca Shields about her efforts to teach the Irish language on campus. Listen to the WORT interview and read the story here